Phone Cards

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Save on international calls by purchasing prepaid phone cards and cheap prepaid calling cards!

Best Afghanistan Calling Cards

Bizon Calling Card
  • NO additional fees
  • 1 minute rounding
  • Superior connection!

  • NO additional fees
  • 1 minute rounding
  • NON-Refillable card

  • NO additional fees
  • 3 minute rounding
  • Amazing connection!

How to call Afghanistan from the U.S.

011 + 93 + area code + phone number
  • 011 ---- the exit code for the U.S. must be dialed before any international call
  • 93 ---- Country Code for Afghanistan
  • Area Code ---- a code specific to the city you are calling in a Afghanistan (2 digits)
  • Phone Number ---- 7 digit phone number you are trying to call!
  • * Sample call from US to a landline in Kabul: 011 93 20 XXX XXXX
  • * Afghanistan Area Codes: Badghis 41, Badkhshan 52, Baghlan 58, Bamian 23, Dorkondi 26, Farah 43, Ghazni 31, Ghowr 42, Helmand 34, Jowzjan 54, Kabul 20, Kandahar 30, Khost 27, Laghman 63, Logar 25, Nimroz 44, Nurestan 61, Paktia 64, Paktika 65, Panjshar 28, Parwan 21, Samangan 55, Sar-E Pol 56, Takhar 53, Uruzgan 32, Wardak 24, Zabol 33
Q: Why should I use Afghanistan phone cards? How can calling cards help me to save on calls to the Afghanistan? How do I call to the Afghanistan? How do I use a prepaid phonecard to reach the Afghanistan?
A: Afghanistan calling cards can help you to save on all of your international calls! Phone to the Afghanistan instantly by purchasing a refillable, permanent international phone card! Afghanistan calling can be done dialing a local or toll free access number, entering in the PIN number of your phone card to the Afghanistan, and dialing the number you would like to reach. Calling the Afghanistan has never been easier or less expensive!

If you want to call your friends or relatives, or even make a business call...
Just do it with our phone cards!

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Cheap international calling cards that save time and money for international travelers and those who live abroad. Enjoy quality connection at great rates. No contracts, no surcharges, no obligation! Buy the card online and receive it in your e-mail within minutes!
  • Phone rates are valid 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Toll free Customer Care Center - ready to assist you with information on dialing instructions, country and city codes
  • Your international phone cards can be recharged within seconds
  • The lowest possible international and domestic telephone rates on prepaid calling cards
  • Low rates for international calling cards (USA, Canada, UK, India, Russia, Germany, Iraq, Australia)

Prepaid Phone Cards

AT&T Phone Cards

Bizon Calling Cards

Cardinal Calling Cards

Champion Calling Cards

Cheap Call Calling Cards

CheapStreet Phone Card

Continental Phone Cards

El Toro Phone Cards

Everest Calling Cards

FastWorld Calling Cards

Golden Lotus Calling Cards

Hello from UK Calling Cards

Jupiter Calling Cards

Lucky Minutes Calling Cards

Mariachi Calling Cards

Master Cent Calling Cards

Mozart Calling Cards

Partner Calling Cards

Royal Call Calling Cards

Sahara Calling Cards

Saturn Calling Cards

Simply Calling Cards

Solaris Calling Cards

Tigris Calling Cards

CALLING CARDS: Australia phone cards | India phone cards | Mexico phone cards | Germany cards
| Italian Charms | Phone cards, Calling cards & country codes. Prepaid Wireless Recharge is an online retailer of prepaid phone cards and prepaid calling cards for the purpose of international calling cards and domestic long distance phone calls. Our site provides calling card, phone card, wireless recharge PINs delivered via email. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your instant international phone cards, calling cards or prepaid wireless please Contact Us.

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